About Me

Hello, my name is Ann. Welcome to “Could I write”

Have you had that question too? If so, think of me as your companion on the amazing highway of storytelling. My site is a place where the thought of writing and the reality of making it happen becomes the heartbeat of new adventures and where each word is a step toward fulfilling a lifelong dream.

My Life Motto: “You can never have too many Books.”

This love affair with pages and prose isn’t a solitary journey – it’s a family affair. The love for reading and collecting books runs in our veins. It connects me, my wonderful husband, our terrific son and daughter, and our four awesome grandchildren. We really love Books! But could I really, really write an actual Book? That is the Question!

The Important Aspiring Author’s Question

Now what does it actually take to write a book? That question has been buzzing in my mind, relentless and exciting. The path to becoming an author is uncharted for me, but I’m ready, with open arms and an even more open mind, to embrace whatever lessons come my way.

Determination, Perseverance, Consistency, and Dedication

I understand that the idea of turning a blank page into a world of its own can be daunting. But I also know the power of dedication. I am determined to do whatever it takes to become an author within these upcoming twelve months. Through trials and triumphs, I’ll learn the ropes, refine my craft, and most importantly, I’ll grow – as a writer and as a person.

The Challenge and Journey Begins

I’ll be diving deep into the learning process, absorbing all that I can about the art and craft of writing. With every chapter I read and every paragraph I write, there will be lessons learned and I will share right here. I’m determined to soak up knowledge like one of the many books that fill my shelves.

Let’s Learn and Grow Together

This is an open invitation to you, dear reader, to come along for the ride. Let’s learn and grow together. Share with me your thoughts, your own experiences, and perhaps we’ll find motivation in each other’s words. Through my website, NewbieWriter at couldiwrite.com, you’ll get a front-row seat to every triumph and setback.

Here’s to a year of writing, a year of learning, and a year of creating something truly special. I can’t wait to share it with you. Let the Journey begin at finding the answer to: Could I Write?

Best Wishes on your Writer Journey!

Ann = Newbie Writer


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